About Salle

Welcome! My name is Salle Huber and I am the proud and grateful owner of The Aware Lab for Movement and Creativity, LLC.

My passion is to use pilates and The MELT Method to introduce clients to their bodies…to teach you how your body works and how you can enjoy a deeper relationship with it. I teach tools that you, yourself can use to nourish your body so you can get out and stay out of chronic pain.

I have been teaching Stott Pilates (a long-established form of pilates which adapts classical moves so they are more bio-mechanically safe and sound) since 2008. I am fully certified (since 2011) in all levels and all equipment. In 2012 I began studying a revolutionary form of self-care called The MELT Method, which uses small balls for the hands and feet, and a soft body roller to optimize the fluid-state of our connective tissue system. I am proud to say I have been a pioneering teacher in this field, introducing it to students and movement teachers alike. I have also been certified as a Restorative Exercise Specialist with the Nutritious Movement Center under Katy Bowman and studied in the dissection lab with respected anatomist, Gil Hedley.

My approach is definitely form over function, but it is also deeply personal…there is a bond that develops when space is made for self-discovery and improvement.

Located in The Box Factory


– open by appointment only –

What our clients say